The recipe comes straight from the friendly Marciatack food blog, and it’s clear: you can’t get much more gourmet than this! Tired of raclettes, tartiflettes and fondues? Go for the new winter star: reblochonnade, this time with the famous rattes du Touquet! Ratte is a delicious variety of potato which, although it bears the suffix of a town in northern France, was actually born in Lyon and the Ardèche!
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Serves 6.
- 1 kg Ratte du Touquet
- 1 reblochon cheese
- 20 centilitres light cream
- 200 grams lardons (chicken , pig, etc.)
- 1 bunch chives
Your reblochonnade is ready! Bon appétit!
💡 S ecret Brussels tip: don’t waste time peeling the rattes, their skin is so thin it’s perfectly edible!